Right‌ ‌Ways‌ ‌to‌ ‌Check‌ ‌the‌ ‌Quality‌ ‌of‌ ‌Marble‌ ‌

We probably do not have to tell you that checking the quality of any product before you complete the purchase is very important. It becomes more crucial when you are bringing in something unique and paying a good price for it. Today, we are talking about one such product and that is Marble for homes and commercial places. It is vital to be aware of the durability, markings and most importantly the looks of the white marble before it reaches you. When you are purchasing natural stones the quality check becomes inevitable because it helps you understand how it is going to compliment your whole place. 

For instance, you may have ordered the marble in India for your residential or commercial place and the quality is not upto the mark then you won't get the results you always wanted. First and foremost way to never go bad with your marble purchase is to buy from the best marble and granite supplier. Secondly, you must also learn ways to check the quality of these natural stones so you won't feel betrayed later, especially after paying a good price for them. As a leading marble group let us tell you some comprehensive ways to check the quality of marble. 

  • When it comes to purchasing marble then the first quality you need to check is the polish quality present on each slab. This characteristic will determine the overall idea of the look and how it will compliment your place. For instance, the white marble from Bhandari marble group comes with extensive sheeny behaviour which can enhance your entire project with its amazing look. Moreover, if the quality of marble is dull from the start then it won't give the expected finishing at the end. 

  • Moving ahead with the quality check, the next thing on the list is thickness consistency of the slabs. There are different kinds of thickness in marble in India. You will find different thickness consistencies at different marble suppliers. In the market the ideal consistency is considered at 0.1 to 0.3 mm. But it all depends on your project requirements as well. So, before you finalise the purchase check the thickness consistency of slabs before they are loaded on the trucks. 

  • There are many suppliers in the market who will try to sell you marble slabs with some cracks and holes in it. Some experts may say that it doesn't matter if there is a crack or small hole in the slab but as a quality marble provider we believe that holes in the slabs can make them a little weaker and they won't be able to take stress during installation. So, keep yourself away from the partially damaged marble slabs as they can break easily. 

  • Before you make the purchase of marbles for your project, make sure to ask for a few samples to check the quality, considering colour and selecting the ones that suits your place the best. It will help you ensure you have chosen the right quality, colour marble to enhance the look of your place. 

  • Another important characteristic that determines the quality of marble is it's porosity. A quick and easy way to do it to put a few drops of lemon juice on the marble. If it is instantly absorbed then it is porous and of poor quality. Also, if the marble surface is stained after this process then you need to keep yourself away from buying it as it is also of poor quality. 


Natural stones can completely change the look of your place when you use quality material. We hope you will find this guide useful and check the mentioned things before finalizing the purchase.


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